Thursday, December 25, 2008

Feminism as a Commodity

Or, what would Phillys Schlafly do?

Obviously, she would arm wrestle Alice Notley. Alice of course would win because Alice could convince everyone that she had.

In a nutshell.

This relates to things having to do with evolution and the Scopes Trial and many a detail in the Piltdown Man syndrome of society. Evolution, feminism, global warming...all have something in common. They are commodities. Some parts of those doctrines are traded on the stock exchanges of the world. They can be manipulated using a variety of techniques that some might refer to as brain-washing. The Piltdown Man is a great example of how human beings took a few bone parts, painted them alot of weird colors and the discovery dominated science for nearly two generations before being discovered for what it really was and that was, a creation created by guilty, self loving men and women who were just threatened enough by certain other doctrines, to literally falsify the evidence.

William Jennings Bryan died because of such astounding mis-construed histories composed of the collision between religious ignorance and religious intolerance (of both types, pro and con). I think he died of a broken heart and spirit. He died of mockery and public shame. To me, there is no better analogy than that to illustrate the way in which we in the West view our past and integrate it into our present in order to use it for the future. The dangerous notion with that is, we have the power to oppress those who disagree with our policies and with our intentions i.e. for the good of all mankind (somehow or another). That our (and I use that term loosely) basis for contention is wholly misguided creates a threat to world peace and if a person didn't know that yet, they should know that now on this horizon of war and conclusion of war. Could go either way you know, nothing is ever for certain.

The commodity of feminism cannot be denied. It is a collection of solicitations from both sides that pulls at women every day. It is the notion of being "with us or against us". Or, as is the case with an increasingly castrated society of men, we'll just kill and maim women instead of taking sides. We'll get rid of the problem and that problem is women in general. Talk back women and sage women like Alice Notley (whether she is or isn't), pretty women and women for hire, High Toned Old Christian Women:

"This will make widows wince. But fictive things
Wink as they will. Wink most when widows wince."

Thank you Wallace, I adore you but all the same, it isn't nice to say such things about us. It isn't like you i.e. evolved and important men who break language barriers through which darlings like Alice and I can wander.

I wonder, am I an high toned old muslim woman? What must that sound like to those accustomed to such established poets and men of greatness like the honorable Wallace Stevens?

It sounds a bit like a roar but in a whisper. It is a highly intelligent view and not many around this place (the West) can comprehend it just yet because they have been rendered deaf by the high toned Christian-ness and Anti-Christian-ness of folks from Stevens to Schlafly.

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